
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Take a selfie from another time

Task types:
Single brief

Task brief

The task brief is received in the study, where it is leant against a Polaroid camera on the desk. The brief for the task is as follows:

Take a picture of yourself from another time.

You have 90 minutes.

The most impressive time travel wins.

Your time starts now.

Task notes

It looks like there are no notes yet for this task. Someone's probably working on it, though!

Task stats



Here's a description of the contestants' attempts. Someone's probably working on collecting some images to add later!

  • Karin's first idea is that she could "time travel to the moon", leading Bård to ask her whether she believes that 'travel' and 'time travel' are the same thing. She goes in a different direction with her picture, though, placing toy dinosaurs amongst some plants to create a prehistoric scene, and disguising herself as a mountain in the background, using a blanket. Bård awards her last place.
  • Leo's picture turns out to be completely black, as the camera's flash apparently didn't work as he'd expected. He explains that he was meant to appear in the photo as 'God', floating alone in nothingness, before creating the universe. However, since the photo came out blank, he claims that it's instead a photo of the universe before the Big Bang occurred. Bård likes his idea, and accepts his explanation, while also noting that it involved very little effort. Deciding to reward those who put more effort in, Bård puts Leo in third place.
  • Lars' picture shows him being buried in the garden of the Kongen Befaler house by Olli. He says he spent all of his 90 minutes digging the hole in which he was buried, giving himself blisters in the process. When asked by Bård how far into the future he had travelled, he says it was just two hours. He then gets confused about whether it was two hours from when the task attempt was filmed, or two hours from when the studio session was taking place. Despite the confusion, Bård decides to reward Lars' effort, and places him second.
  • Vidar's picture is a recreation of the 'trench run' scene from Star Wars, which he points out took place "A long, long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away". The picture is pretty impressive, given how little time he had to create it, featuring him as Luke Skywalker, holding a lightsabre, and coming out of lightspeed in an X-wing fighter with R2D2 (apparently played by Olli). Bård rewards his effort, awarding him first place in the task.
  • Hani's picture is an image of a Kongen Befaler scoreboard in which she has received 5 points, while all the other contestants received zero. She claims she went into the future and saw this, so took a photo of it. He strategy doesn't work, though, and she is awarded fourth place.

(Source credit: Karl Craven)