
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Hit the rubber duck through the croquet hoops

Task types:
Single brief

Task brief

The task brief is leant against the first of a series of flexible croquet hoops, which is positioned in the caravan's doorway. The brief for the task is as follows:

Hit the rubber duck through all the croquet hoops.

You cannot touch the rubber duck.

Fewest strikes wins.

Task notes

  • The task begins in the caravan, the floor of which is covered with sand.
  • Olli places an orange rubber duck behind the croquet hoop inside the caravan, and hands the contestants a croquet mallet.
  • There are a series of identical croquet hoops positioned around the garden of the Kongen Befaler house, leading to the fountain.

Official task video

Task stats



Here's a description of the contestants' attempts. Someone's probably working on collecting some images to add later!

  • Lars initially has some problems reading the task brief, saying several of the words wrong. Once he has the wording correct, he decides to use duct tape to attach the duck to the mallet, so he can pass it through all of the hoops in just a single 'strike'. He picks the duck up with a piece of tape, and uses that to attach it to the mallet. As he wraps yet more duct tape around the objects to reinforce their connection, he notes that his first strike has now started. He then carries the mallet around the garden, passing the duck through each hoop in turn, in a single strike. He earns joint second place with Vidar.
  • Karin jumps straight into the task without any planning, knocking the rubber duck through each hoop in turn before realising that she could have been smarter. She then gathers all of the hoops up together in one place and knocks the duck through them all at once (though this takes two attempts). She seems surprised that Olli has included all of her strikes, from before she had this idea, in her final total of 19. This secures her last place in the task.
  • Vidar immediately identifies that he is permitted to touch the croquet hoops. He sets about gathering them all together, and then duct tapes them all together to create a single hoop. He then positions this in front of a cardboard platform, level with the caravan's floor, and held in place with more duct tape. He is then able to propel the duck through all of the hoops with just one strike of the croquet mallet. He earns joint second place with Lars.
  • Hani immediately identifies that she is permitted to touch the croquet hoops, and begins gathering them together. She uses one strike of the croquet mallet to get the duck out of the caravan. She then lines all of the hoops up, close together, and is able to knock the duck through them all with her second strike of the croquet mallet. With a total of two strikes, she earns fourth place in the task.
  • Leo realises that some of the other contestants will probably aim to complete the task with one strike of the croquet mallet, and states that he intends to aim for zero strikes instead, saying "Fuck strikes" (and semi-coining the title of the episode). To achieve this, he initially tries to glue the duck to the croquet mallet, but the glue isn't strong enough, or doesn't dry fast enough, so he ends up using duct tape instead. Once attached to the mallet, he passes the duck through each of the hoops in turn. Although his method is essentially the same as Lars', he insists that there were no strikes taken, and that he was merely 'guiding' the duck through the hoops with the mallet. Bård accepts Leo's "Fuck strikes, man" strategy as having resulted in zero strikes, and awards him first place.

(Source credit: Karl Craven)