
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Danielle and Julia reinvent the wheel

Danielle and Julia also initially use one of the spherical buoys as a replacement wheel for the car, but don't attach it as securely as the team of three did.

Danielle does pretty much all of the work in the task, while Julia provides enthusiastic moral support.

They manage to get the car as far as the ramp before the wobbly wheel causes issues, and it gets stuck. At this point, they replace the buoy with a roll of duct tape, and Julia contributes by placing a mannequin hand on the steering wheel.

The new duct tape wheel proves to be too small, though, so Danielle makes it larger by taping a collection of rocks to it. The new (not exactly round) wheel falls off as they try to drive the car over the ramp again, though.

While Danielle puts the wheel back on, Julia uses another mannequin hand to prop the front of the car up, to help it clear the ramp. This technique works, but the wheel falls off again, and has to be replaced so that they can complete the final stretch of the course.

The team cap off the task by completing their team dance.

In the studio, after Tom Gleeson points out that Danielle had done all of the work, Danielle admits that she wondered whether Julia had been given a bonus task to sabotage all of their team tasks.

Tom Cashman reveals that they completed the task in 28 minutes and 55 seconds, and Tom Gleeson awards them a generous two points each.

(Written by Karl Craven)

(Illustrations collected and adjusted by: David Fuller)