
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Karin refuses to acknowledge the 'gong'

Here's a description of the contestant's attempt. Someone's probably working on collecting some images to illustrate it.

Karin immediately starts to get stressed out by the fact that there is a timer running while Olli is telling her not to open the task brief. After about 2 minutes, she decides to ignore his advice and open the task brief. After standing and holding the coffee pots for a while, she climbs up and kneels on the table between the microwaves, to make it easier. She then realises that she could make it easier on herself by emptying the coffee from the pots. However, in the process of trying to unscrew the lid of the one in her right hand using her chin, she accidentally lets the one in her left hand drop and touch the top of the microwave. She refuses to accept that this happened, though, and chooses to remain in the lab and hold the coffee pots a while longer, insisting that there was no 'gong' sound, after Olli leaves the room. In the studio, Olli reveals that she managed to achieve a time of 23 minutes and 21 seconds, which initially puts her in second place. However, after the subsequent 'Do something better' task, in which Hani chose to redo her attempt at this task, and Bård allowed her improved attempt to apply retroactively, Karin's ranking in this task dropped down to third.

(Written by Karl Craven)

Attempt Scores