
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Luke makes a pizza wheel

Luke immediately walks across the dock and then back, apparently not paying any attention to the number of steps he is taking.

He initially tries to stack all of the pizza slices on the back of the remote-controlled ute and deliver them that way, but they immediately all fall off.

He puts the pizza back in the box and tries to use the tricycle, but then apparently switches to the dinghy and crosses the lake.

He suspects that the man sat at the table is not Tom Cashman, but cannot see clearly without his glasses, and so seems to accept the man's response of "Buongiorno!" as confirmation that it is him.

However, instead of disembarking from the boat, he returns to the dock and switches back to the tricycle, carrying the pizza slices loose on its seat, while he pedals in a standing position.

Having reached the man, he finally realises that he is not Tom. He tries to get help from the man, but all he will say is "Buongiorno!".

Luke decides to take the opportunity to attempt to whip the tablecloth off of the table, from underneath the vase and plate that are on top of it, but almost everything ends up on the floor.

He loads the pizza slices into the tablecloth, creating a bag to carry them in, and sets back off around the lake on the tricycle. The bag soon gets caught up in the back wheel and wraps around it, but he decides to keep going anyway, with the pizza as part of the wheel.

He makes his way, on the tricycle, along the path through the woods and back to the house, using one foot to propel himself, rather than pedalling.

Once inside the house, he walks right up the stairs and finds Tom in the study. He extracts folded-up lumps of pizza from his tablecloth bag, and places them on Tom's plate, noting that one slice had been left with "Buongiorno".

He leaves the room, revealing that he has a wet backside.

In the studio, Tom Cashman reveals that Luke took 902 steps in total, which puts him fourth in the task.

(Written by Karl Craven)

(Illustrations collected and adjusted by: David Fuller)

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