
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Henrik and Nikki invent 'footballbolley'

Here's a description of the contestant's attempt. Someone's probably working on collecting some images to illustrate it.

Henrik immediately declares that he wants their sport to involve dance. Nikki comes up with the idea of hitting a football over the badminton net. Henrik asks if Nikki has basically just suggested they play volleyball. A bit further into their planning phase, Henrik says that they should have to speak in a certain way while playing: they have to speak like their opponent (presumably Henrik is referring to accents). According to the commentary, the sport is called ‘footballbolley’, or ‘football volleyball’. The two players stand on either side of the badminton net, and each puts on a boxing glove. In their free hands, each holds a small wooden paddle. Player Nikki serves the football to Player Henrik, who fails to return the ball, and thus must partake in the dance penalty. While Player Henrik dances, Commentator Nikki notes that Player Nikki has improved in the sport since the late 1980s, and Commentator Henrik wonders if Player Nikki has grown too old for the sport. Player Henrik serves and, after a short rally, Player Henrik hits the ball out of bounds, and has to perform another dance penalty. Player Nikki wins 2-0, and the two shake hands over the net. However, Babben awards the win to the other team.

(Written by Jenny R and edited by Karl Craven)

Attempt Scores