
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Play and commentate on a new sport

Task types:
Multiple brief
Winner takes all?

Task briefs

The first task brief is received in an open area of the Bäst i Test garden, where a variety of sports equipment is provided. The second brief is received in the same location. The briefs for the task are as follows:

Create a sport and play the most epic minute of it in the history of sport.

You have ten minutes to prepare and one minute to play.

Your time starts now.

Record the most iconic commentary of your epic sports minute.

One must comment on events while the other provides the expert analysis.

Your time starts now.

Task notes

  • The sports equipment includes balls, nets, racquets, bats, clubs, and boxing gloves.
  • For the second part of the task, a table and chairs, and commentators headsets, have been set up for the contestants to perform their commentary.

Task stats



Here's a description of the contestants' attempts. Someone's probably working on collecting some images to add later!

  • Marko and Linnéa spend the majority of their time trying to figure out what their sport is, with Marko becoming increasingly panicked. Suddenly, inspiration seems to strike Linnéa, and both put a boxing glove on a golf club, and box each other over a badminton net. Linnéa suggests that their sport be called ‘bolf’ (presumably a portmanteau of ‘boxing’ and ‘golf’). The epic minute begins with Player Linnéa quickly singing the Swedish national anthem, and the two players bowing to one other before beginning to box. Player Linnéa immediately goes on the offensive, and Player Marko weaves to dodge her punches without counter-attacking. As Commentator Linnéa observes, this is possibly because Player Marko has had wrist issues “since the 2007 Qatar Bolf disaster”. Player Linnéa’s glove falls off of her stick, but she quickly replaces it and punches Player Marko on the chin. Player Marko collapses into the badminton net. When he stands up, the net rebounds and hits Player Linnéa in the face, and she becomes tangled in it. While Player Linnéa untangles herself, Player Marko goes rogue and starts breaking equipment, much to Commentator Marko’s surprise, before collapsing in defeat. Babben awards the victory to Marko and Linnéa.
  • Henrik immediately declares that he wants their sport to involve dance. Nikki comes up with the idea of hitting a football over the badminton net. Henrik asks if Nikki has basically just suggested they play volleyball. A bit further into their planning phase, Henrik says that they should have to speak in a certain way while playing: they have to speak like their opponent (presumably Henrik is referring to accents). According to the commentary, the sport is called ‘footballbolley’, or ‘football volleyball’. The two players stand on either side of the badminton net, and each puts on a boxing glove. In their free hands, each holds a small wooden paddle. Player Nikki serves the football to Player Henrik, who fails to return the ball, and thus must partake in the dance penalty. While Player Henrik dances, Commentator Nikki notes that Player Nikki has improved in the sport since the late 1980s, and Commentator Henrik wonders if Player Nikki has grown too old for the sport. Player Henrik serves and, after a short rally, Player Henrik hits the ball out of bounds, and has to perform another dance penalty. Player Nikki wins 2-0, and the two shake hands over the net. However, Babben awards the win to the other team.
  • Carina bets her points on Henrik and Nikki, and therefore earns no points, along with them, when they lose the task.

(Source credit: Jenny R)