
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Jimmy ties a spoon to it

Jimmy initially tries just throwing the pencil into the aubergine from a couple of feet away, and is successful.

He then moves the aubergine - on its plinth - so that it is below the balcony, and tries to drop the pencil into it from the balcony. He misses multiple times, and then hits the aubergine once, but the pencil bounces off of it, rather than sticking.

He heads into the kitchen, and returns with a large plastic spoon, which he tapes to the pencil to give it more weight and stability during its drop. He misses the aubergine a couple more times with this contraption, but a third attempt hits on target, and remains embedded in the vegetable.

In the studio, Tom Gleeson points out that Jimmy could have achieved an even better distance if he'd put the aubergine on the ground, rather than leaving it on the plinth.

Tom Cashman reveals that Jimmy managed to get the pencil into the vegetable from 4.24 metres away, which earns him third place.

(Written by Karl Craven)

(Illustrations collected and adjusted by: David Fuller)

Attempt Scores