
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Nina pre-holes the aubergine

Nina collects some items including two oars and a lawn stake, which she plans to use to extend her reach along the ground.

However, as she prepares to start her attempt, she realises that she does not know where the pencil is. She spends some time wandering around looking for it, before finding it on the grass next to one of her long items.

She uses a pen to stab holes into the aubergine, which she describes as "pre-holing" it. Once these holes have weakened the middle of the vegetable, she attempts to widen the hole by pulling on its sides with her hands, and instead manages to split the aubergine in half, lengthways.

With just a couple of minutes left, she loosely tapes her collection of long items together with office grade tape, and tapes the pencil to the end.

She places one of her trainers behind the aubergine as a backstop, positions the pencil end of her contraption so that it is pointed at the vegetable, and then pushes it along the lawn from the other end.

She successfully pokes the pencil into at least part of the vegetable with her device.

In the studio, Tom Cashman reveals that she managed to stick the pencil in the aubergine from 7.62 metres away, which earns her first place.

(Written by Karl Craven)

(Illustrations collected and adjusted by: David Fuller)

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