
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Lars moves the red bottle

Here's a description of the contestant's attempt. Someone's probably working on collecting some images to illustrate it.

Lars initially expresses his hope that the task is to chug beer, since he believes he would do well at that. He then observes that he has had many of the items set out for the task inside of him, at parties. Lars empties out a bottle of dish soap, which has a volume of 7.5 decilitres, to use as a measuring cup. However, he does not bother to wash it out so, as he starts pouring vørterøl into the bottle, it just ends up generating a lot of foam, and so he ends up with very little actual liquid left inside. He keeps pouring more vørterøl into the bottle, spilling out foamy beer all over the ground, until he reaches the correct level with actual liquid. Then, folding the red mat up so that he can stand closer to the pole, but apparently forgetting the rule about not moving the red bottle, Lars uses a plank to dislodge the bottle from where it is hanging. Having brought it down to ground level, he pours in the soapy vørterøl. In the studio, he attempts to argue that he didn't move the red bottle itself, but merely removed the thing attaching it to the pole, whereupon the bottle "moved by itself". This appeal is not successful, and he is disqualified.

(Written by Karl Craven)

Attempt Scores