
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Henrik uses everything but the kitchen sink

Henrik picks up the bowling ball and declares that his fingers are too big for the holes. He looks around the caravan for other things that can help him, and finds a few oranges. He throws the oranges at the pins, missing them. Henrik does not want to ‘waste’ his bowling ball (apparently not considering for a second that David could retrieve it for him), so he decides to calibrate his trajectory by throwing a shoe (which he presumably just found in the caravan). Having missed with the shoe, he pulls out a drawer of cutlery and starts throwing silverware at the pins, eventually knocking one over. A subsequent cutlery throw knocks over two more. Henrik finally throws the bowling ball, which veers to the left, but does manage to knock over a single pin. Henrik then starts tossing pillows and cushions from the caravan, completely missing the pins several times. With one of his last pillows, he manages to knock down all but one of the remaining pins. Running out of things to throw, Henrik then removes his shoes and chucks them at the pins. While his first shoe misses, the second knocks over the remaining pin. Henrik completes the task in 13 minutes and 9 seconds, and earns fourth place.

(Written by Jenny R and edited by Karl Craven)

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