
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Knock over all the pins without leaving the caravan

Task types:
Single brief

Task brief

The task brief is found on the table in the caravan, along with a bowling ball bag containing a bowling ball. The brief for the task is as follows:

Topple the bowling pins.

You cannot leave the caravan.

David must not intentionally overturn the pins.

Fastest to topple all the pins wins.

Your time starts now.

Task notes

  • Some distance away from the caravan, across the lawn, is a rack of ten bowling pins.

Task stats



Here's a description of the contestants' attempts. Images will be added later.

  • Henrik picks up the bowling ball and declares that his fingers are too big for the holes. He looks around the caravan for other things that can help him, and finds a few oranges. He throws the oranges at the pins, missing them. Henrik does not want to ‘waste’ his bowling ball (apparently not considering for a second that David could retrieve it for him), so he decides to calibrate his trajectory by throwing a shoe (which he presumably just found in the caravan). Having missed with the shoe, he pulls out a drawer of cutlery and starts throwing silverware at the pins, eventually knocking one over. A subsequent cutlery throw knocks over two more. Henrik finally throws the bowling ball, which veers to the left, but does manage to knock over a single pin. Henrik then starts tossing pillows and cushions from the caravan, completely missing the pins several times. With one of his last pillows, he manages to knock down all but one of the remaining pins. Running out of things to throw, Henrik then removes his shoes and chucks them at the pins. While his first shoe misses, the second knocks over the remaining pin. Henrik completes the task in 13 minutes and 9 seconds, and earns fourth place.
  • Marko worries about losing the bowling ball after throwing it, but realises that he can ask David to retrieve the ball for him. Secure in that knowledge, he rolls the ball and knocks down four of the pins straight away. David retrieves the ball, and Marko’s next roll topples three more pins. However, his next throw of the bowling ball just barely misses the remaining pins. While David walks to retrieve the ball, Marko warns him to “stay out of the throwing line”, and starts chucking pillows at the pins, while waiting for David to return. He also asks David to go to the shed to retrieve items with some weight to them, to throw at the pins. David calls out a few items, and Marko settles on footballs, asking David to bring several back with him. Marko misses the pins with the footballs, but manages to knock down the remaining pins with a final throw of the bowling ball. He completes the task in 9 minutes and 29 seconds, and earns third place.
  • Amie immediately realises that she can use other things to knock down the pins. She throws a washbasin at the pins, and the throw goes wide, but the basin then rolls on its edge, directly into the pins, knocking over all but two. While searching for more things to throw at the pins, Amie asks David if he’s allowed to retrieve items for her, and he confirms that he can. Amie rolls the bowling ball, which gets caught up in the fallen pins, touching – but not toppling – the ones which remain standing. At the next moment we see of Amie’s footage, only one pin remains standing, and she herself is holding a bowling pin (presumably she had asked David to bring one to her). She then throws the bowling ball one more time, and it knocks down the remaining pin. Amie completes the task in 17 minutes and 16 seconds, and earns last place.
  • Linnéa realises that, while David cannot deliberately knock down the pins, he is able to deliberately move them. She therefore asks David to pick up the pins and bring them to her. David brings the pins into the caravan and racks them back up on the floor. As soon as he finishes, Linnéa sweeps her foot to the side, and easily knocks them all down. Linnéa completes the task in 3 minutes and 26 seconds, and earns first place.
  • Having been forbidden by the task to have David intentionally knock over the pins, Nikki asks if David is able to accidentally knock them over instead, by skipping over them. David agrees, and runs towards the pins, cleanly jumping over all of them. Nikki instructs David to do the same again but on one foot, hoping that he'll be more likely to fell some pins, but he manages to again jump over them without touching any. Nikki then gives David the bowling ball, and tells him to face the pins and close his eyes. At Nikki’s command, David throws the bowling ball in the direction of the pins, and knocks down six of them. David’s subsequent shot misses the pins, so she moves David much closer to the pins and tells him to drop the ball instead, hoping that it'll roll into them. He does as he is told but, as it’s a bowling ball, it stops almost immediately, and does not roll into the remaining pins. While David’s eyes are still closed, Nikki directs him to slowly walk forwards, and David thus knocks down the final four pins. Nikki completes the task in 4 minutes and 8 seconds, and earns second place.

(Source credit: Jenny R)