
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Identify which bin David is in

Task types:
Single brief

Task brief

The task brief is found alongside a stethoscope, in a frying pan on a plinth, outside of the house. The brief for the task is as follows:

Figure out which bin David is in, based on a guess.

The seven commandments state what you can do with the bins.

Do nothing which the commandments do not permit.

Whoever figures out the fastest where David is located wins.

You have 10 minutes.

Your time starts now.

Task notes

  • Near the plinth, and in front of the door to the house, are five yellow wheelie bins, labelled with the numbers 1-5.
  • Hanging from the balcony of the house is a large cloth with the ‘seven commandments’ printed on it.
  • The seven commandments are: 1. You may roll a bin 3 metres; 2. You may gently shake a bin; 3. You may hit a bin once with the frying pan; 4. You may knock over a bin; 5. You may listen to a bin with a stethoscope; 6. You may, with closed eyes, drop a thing into a bin; 7. You may call David once from the phone booth.
  • David is hidden in Bin 5.
  • Under Bin 2, there is a note reading ‘David ar udda’ [‘David is odd’], giving the hint that he is in an odd-numbered bin.
  • It appears that, while the other four bins contain the same items for each contestant’s attempt, they are not always in the same numbered bin (for example, in one contestant’s footage, Bin 3 appears to contain pots and pans while, in another contestant’s footage, Bin 3 is empty).
  • In his appearance on the episode of Taskmaster: The People’s Podcast that was released on 22 July 2022, David revealed that this task had been attempted for two previous seasons of the show, but never made it to air. He noted that he disliked doing the task, so had insisted that the version filmed for season 7 would be the last time he would do it.

Task stats



Here's a description of the contestants' attempts. Images will be added later.

  • Henrik listens to Bin 5 with the stethoscope. He knocks down Bin 4, hits Bin 1 with the frying pan, moves Bin 3, and pours a carton of milk into Bin 2. Henrik calls David from the phone booth but, when the call is finished, questions whether perhaps David is actually in a completely different bin, somewhere else. He then shakes Bin 5 and, after considering its weight for a moment, points to Bin 3, declaring that it is the bin containing David. Henrik earns only a participation point.
  • Linnéa decides to move Bin 5, but then changes her mind and moves Bin 1 instead. She shakes Bin 3, and finds it to be very heavy. Linnéa decides that David is therefore in Bin 3, and opens it, only to find that she has guessed incorrectly. She decides to open all of the bins to figure out where David actually is, and first opens Bin 5, finding him instantly. Linnéa earns only a participation point.
  • Amie pulls Bin 5 backwards before declaring that it could contain David. She goes to the phone booth and calls David, telling him to scream. David does scream, but fairly quietly. In the studio, Amie says that, while she could not hear David’s phone ringing, she was able to hear David’s ‘scream’ well enough that her suspicions about Bin 5 were confirmed. To make certain that David is in Bin 5, she drops a basketball inside of it, hoping it will hit him and he will make a noise. The basketball does actually hit David in the face on the way down, but he apparently remains quiet. Amie declares that David is in Bin 5, and is correct. She finds David in 5 minutes and 31 seconds, and earns third place.
  • Marko combines two commandments on Bin 2: he pushes it over, then rolls it while it’s on the ground (as opposed to letting it roll on its wheels). In doing this, he finds the hidden clue, ‘David ar udda’ [‘David is odd’]. Marko shakes Bin 5, then goes to the phone booth to call David. In the studio, Marko acknowledges that he was able to hear David’s phone ringing inside the bin. Marko finishes the call and correctly declares that David is in Bin 5. He finds David in 3 minutes and 30 seconds, and earns second place.
  • Nikki immediately calls David from the phone booth, though all she can do is laugh before hanging up. Still giggling, Nikki overturns Bin 5 and opens it, laughing even harder when she finds David inside. Nikki’s is the fastest to find David, and she wins the task, though her final time is not given (it’s clearly under 3 minutes and 30 seconds, though, since she beat Marko).

(Source credit: Jenny R)


Notes on task scores

  • Henrik and Linnéa both fail the task, but each earns one participation point.