Identify which bin Mark is in

Task types:

Task brief
The task brief is found lying in a frying pan, on the lawn of the Stormester house. The brief for the task is as follows:
Which bin is Mark in? Observe the seven commandments.
You may guess only once.
None of the bins may be opened unless authorised by the seven commandments.
Fastest correct guess wins.
Your time starts now.
Task notes
- The seven commandments are as follows:
- You must roll one bin 3 meters.
- You must gently shake one bin.
- You must strike one bin with a frying pan.
- You must overturn one bin.
- You must listen to one bin.
- You must, without looking, drop one thing into one bin.
- You must make one call to Mark while standing inside the shed.
- It’s never mentioned in the studio, but there is an extra task brief hidden under bin 2, as seen during Mahamad’s attempt. Presumably it’s some sort of equivalent to the “Alex is odd” hidden clue, from when this task was originally used in Taskmaster UK series 9.
Task stats


Here's a description of the contestants' attempts. Someone's probably working on collecting some images to add later!
- Anders misunderstands the task, and approaches it under the belief that he is only allowed to use one of the listed commandments. He decides to use the commandment that allows him to call Mark’s phone. During the call, he leans out of the shed as much as he can to listen to the bins. He asks Mark to yodel, which Mark does. Anders runs out of the shed and declares that Mark is in bin 3 – which is incorrect. As he guessed incorrectly, Anders earns no points.
- Annika shakes bin 2 (ignoring the “gently” part of the commandment). She listens to bin 1 with the stethoscope, and then attempts to overturn it, but isn’t able to because of its weight. Annika calls Mark from the shed and tells him that if he doesn’t stand up, then she’ll hit him in the head. As he doesn’t stand up, Annika grabs the frying pan and uses it to hit bin 4. Annika drops the stethoscope into bin 5, completely missing Mark as she does so. Having run out of commandments, Annika guesses that Mark is in bin 5 – which is correct. Annika finds Mark in 8 minutes 49 seconds and earns second place.
- Mahamad listens to bin 3 with the stethoscope, and declares that Mark is not inside of it. He turns over bin 2, even rolling it across the grass; he does not spot the hidden task underneath bin 2 even though he completely moved it out of the line of bins. Mahamad hits bin 5 with the frying pan. When he hits the bin with the frying pan, he says to the camera that he was worried that he'd hit Mark in the head. Mahamad goes into the shed and calls Mark, asking if he was hurt. When Mark asked why he would be hurt, Mahamad rules out bin 5 (the bin Mark is actually in). He shakes bin 1 very gently, and drops a mannequin leg into bin 4. Having run out of commandments, Mahamad decides that Mark is in bin 1 – which is incorrect. As he guessed incorrectly, Mahamad earns no points.
- Jakob either does not understand the rules, or immediately forgets them after he reads them. Jakob shakes all five bins, and correctly declares that Mark is in bin 5. However, since he broke the rules, Jakob is disqualified and earns no points.
- Neel decides to overturn bin 5 – the bin Mark is in. She credits her success to female intuition before walking away, leaving Mark in the bin. Neel finds Mark in 1 minute 10 seconds and wins the task.
(Source credit: Jenny R)