
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Hit David with the ball

Task types:
Single brief

Task brief

The task brief is found leant against a ball, on top of a plinth in front of the Bäst i Test house. The brief for the task is as follows:

Hit David with the ball.

David is not allowed to run, hide or leave the garden.

The quickest to hit David wins.

You have 20 minutes.

Your time starts now.

Task notes

  • David is noticeably absent from the scene.
  • The task is a hybrid adaptation of Taskmaster UK's 'Strike Alex with a ball' task, and Taskmaster NZ's 'Get the most footage of Paul' task, with multiple doppelgangers for David wandering around the property to throw the contestants off.
  • There is also a mannequin dressed as David on the property.

Task stats



Here's a description of the contestants' attempts. Someone's probably working on collecting some images to add later!

  • Henrik starts ruling out some Davids by judging their heights from a distance. He also hits several Davids with the ball as he approaches them, before being certain they are the correct David. Eventually, he realises that he can search the house, and while doing so, he spots David outside of one of the windows, walking towards the caravan. Henrik sprints out of the house and hits David with the ball. Henrik takes 5 minutes 42 seconds and comes fourth.
  • Marko frantically runs around searching for Davids, even going so far as the boathouse down by the docks. Eventually, he realises that he can search the house, and while doing so, he spots David exiting the house. Marko throws the ball at David quite aggressively, and is annoyed when David reveals that he has been able to see Marko’s movements the entire time. Marko takes 9 minutes 15 seconds and comes last.
  • Nikki is the only contestant who doesn’t have a particular sense of urgency while searching, as she tends to walk or jog instead of running. While searching the house, Nikki remarks that David has “a very special body shape” that she’s looking for. While walking towards the house, she spots David, and starts running to catch him, successfully hitting him with the ball directly in the back of his head. Nikki takes 1 minute 59 seconds and comes second.
  • Linnéa relies on her “pretty good eyesight” and realises that the mannequin David across the yard is not the real David; she still double-checks to make sure. After searching other areas around the grounds, Linnéa starts searching the house, where she finds David and hits him with the ball. Linnéa takes 2 minutes 39 seconds and comes third.
  • Måns is tricked by the mannequin David across the yard. He sprints while searching, and is shown checking David’s house. Not much more is shown of Måns’ search, but he eventually comes across David in the house and hits him with the ball. He is notably exhausted after finishing the task, which surprises Babben, as Måns is known for cross-country cycling. Måns takes 1 minute 47 seconds and wins the task.

(Source credit: Jenny R)