
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Guess how many sprouts will be eaten

Task types:
Single brief

Task brief

The task brief is found on the dining room table, along with a large pile of Brussels sprouts on a plate. The brief for the task is as follows:

Eat as many Brussels sprouts as you think is reasonable.

Guess how many Brussels sprouts will be eaten by all participants.

Closest guessed correct number wins.

You have 10 minutes.

Your time starts when David eats his Brussels sprout.

Task notes

  • David is also seated at the table, and has a plate with a singular Brussels sprout upon it.

Task stats



Here's a description of the contestants' attempts. Someone's probably working on collecting some images to add later!

  • After eating at least one sprout, David points out that Marko has eaten big sprouts. Marko starts picking out the smaller sprouts from the plate, and eats three small ones at once. Ultimately, Marko eats 11 Brussels sprouts. His individual guesses are not shown, but he estimates a total of 37 Brussels sprouts were eaten. As a total of 38 Brussels sprouts were eaten, Marko wins the task.
  • As David starts eating his Brussels sprout, Linnéa describes the food as “a little explosion of farts in lukewarm liquid”. After eating at least one, Linnéa picks up a small sprout and eats it. Ultimately, Linnéa eats three sprouts. She guesses that Nikki ate no sprouts, Marko ate just one, and Henrik ate 16. She estimates a total of 26 Brussels sprouts will be eaten. As a total of 38 Brussels sprouts were eaten, Linnéa comes fourth.
  • Henrik guesses that Nikki will not eat any sprouts, Marko will eat half of the plate (he then revises his guess to ten), Linnéa will eat four or five, and declares that he himself is a loose cannon – that everyone will think he will eat either none or all of the Brussels sprouts. He starts to eat one, then promptly spits it out on David’s empty plate, asking if they have been cooked in swamp water. He eventually finds a small sprout and eats it. Henrik tries eating multiple different sprouts, but they all end up spat out on David’s plate – he ultimately only eats a single Brussels sprout. He estimates a total of 32 sprouts will be eaten. As a total of 38 Brussels sprouts were eaten, Henrik comes joint second.
  • Nikki is shown eating several sprouts before finally declaring that she cannot eat any more. She rereads the task and realises that she didn’t actually have to eat any of them, and breaks down with laughter. Ultimately, Nikki eats eight Brussels sprouts. While estimating the total sprouts eaten, she declares that “no-one is as crazy” as her, so places her final guess at 13 total Brussels sprouts eaten. As a total of 38 Brussels sprouts were eaten, Nikki comes last.
  • Måns is the only contestant who considers the sprouts that David eats to begin the task as part of the grand total. He estimates that Marko will eat 18 sprouts (he later changes this to 10), Linnéa will eat 10 (he later changes this to zero), and his individual estimates for Henrik and Nikki are not shown. He also declares that everyone will expect him to “eat 20 Brussels sprouts and vomit”. Måns tries one of the Brussels sprouts and immediately spits it back out, washing the taste out of his mouth with a soda. When David points out that Måns indeed is not doing what he thinks everyone will expect, Måns rallies, picks up 10 Brussels sprouts, and shoves them into his mouth. He chokes a few times, but does manage to get the sprouts down, even licking up a bit of chewed sprout that had fallen on the task. Måns’ final estimate is that 32 sprouts will be eaten. As a total of 38 Brussels sprouts were eaten, Måns comes joint second.

(Source credit: Jenny R)