
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Build an inventive imitation of a famous tourist attraction

Task types:
Single brief

Task brief

The brief for the task is as follows:

Build an inventive imitation of a famous tourist attraction.

You have 10 minutes to make your shopping list, and 20 minutes to build.

Most inventive wins.

Your time starts now.

Task notes

It looks like there are no notes yet for this task. Someone's probably working on it, though!

Task stats



Here's a description of the contestants' attempts. Someone's probably working on collecting some images to add later!

  • Neel has a difficult time deciding what to make; ultimately, she decides on the Sydney Opera House. She slices a watermelon and various citrus fruits and uses the peels to build her structure. To replicate the ocean, Neel uses tin foil, and uses a chopping board to represent the land on which the Sydney Opera House is built. Neel’s model is simplistic but accurate – even though the picture shown in the studio is reversed. She helps her model by having Mark hold up a picture of a blue sky with clouds, and sings a few opera notes. When she points out in the studio that she remembered Mark singing opera with her, Mark replies that they edited out his singing. Because of the strength of the competition, Neel earns fourth place.
  • Mahamad states that he is a refugee, and is therefore unable to leave Denmark, and (likely comedically) states that the task is somewhat unfair to him. This may have actually helped to inspire his creation, as not only is it made of words that sound very similar, but it is primarily made out of passports. Mahamad builds a replica of the Leaning Tower of Pisa out passports, on a pizza. Mahamad wins the task.
  • After reading the task, Anders immediately knows what he wants to build, and starts listing off various supplies to be ordered. Anders wants to build Dueodde Fyr, a famous lighthouse on the Danish island of Bornholm, where Anders revealed he was stationed as a younger man during his military service. Anders' model is more intricate than the other contestants', using real rocks and sand, and lots of miniature model trees to create the area around the lighthouse. Anders builds the actual lighthouse out of what appears to be a large PVC pipe with frilled paper collars near the top (representing the balcony areas) and some windows glued onto it. Anders earns third place.
  • Jakob decides to build the Taj Mahal, and thinks it would be good to bake it. Jakob builds the Taj Mahal primarily out of lasagne slices, using carrots and onions to make the surrounding towers. It doesn’t look too bad, but then Jakob puts it in the oven, where the cheese in the lasagne melts, causing the entire structure to collapse. Jakob runs out of time attempting to salvage his project, and ends up with a mess on a baking tray. Even though Lasse compliments the ambition, Jakob still earns last place.
  • Annika dresses Mark in a bad wig, a witch nose, and a top hat. She then sits him on a street corner and paints the entirety of him green. She adds a few more accessories, like a book, a quill, and a large feather duster. She has him repeat the quote “to travel is to live” - a famous quote by Hans Christian Andersen, whose famous statue in Copenhagen Annika has reproduced. When Lasse asks why Annika’s version of the statue has sliced sausage and herring all over its shoes, Annika isn’t quite sure, and settles on the explanation that she probably just wanted to be mean to Mark. Annika earns second place.

(Source credit: Jenny R)