
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Nikki uses David

Having been forbidden by the task to have David intentionally knock over the pins, Nikki asks if David is able to accidentally knock them over instead, by skipping over them. David agrees, and runs towards the pins, cleanly jumping over all of them. Nikki instructs David to do the same again but on one foot, hoping that he'll be more likely to fell some pins, but he manages to again jump over them without touching any. Nikki then gives David the bowling ball, and tells him to face the pins and close his eyes. At Nikki’s command, David throws the bowling ball in the direction of the pins, and knocks down six of them. David’s subsequent shot misses the pins, so she moves David much closer to the pins and tells him to drop the ball instead, hoping that it'll roll into them. He does as he is told but, as it’s a bowling ball, it stops almost immediately, and does not roll into the remaining pins. While David’s eyes are still closed, Nikki directs him to slowly walk forwards, and David thus knocks down the final four pins. Nikki completes the task in 4 minutes and 8 seconds, and earns second place.

(Written by Jenny R and edited by Karl Craven)

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