
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Nikki uses the computer

Nikki flips through the dictionary, searching for the Icelandic word for ‘hello'. When she cannot find it, she wonders if Icelandic people even greet each other. She asks if there is internet available for her to use, and pulls up Google Translate on the computer. She writes down the Icelandic translations for various words and phrases, but apparently neglects to write down what they were in Swedish, so forgets what many of them mean. Nikki’s conversation primarily consists of pleasantries (“nice to meet you”, etc) and, while she speaks in a combination of Swedish and Icelandic, she is able to deduce some of what Dagur says (for example, learning that he had just woken up and had coffee). Guest judge Trausti awards Nikki (whom he refers to as "the female judge from the TV show") second place.

(Written by Jenny R and edited by Karl Craven)

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