
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Linnéa uses a friend

It appears that Linnéa knows a little bit of Icelandic, as she gives David the definition of an Icelandic word, with fairly accurate pronunciation, without checking the dictionary. She then calls a friend, and asks him to provide her with some words and phrases she can use in her conversation. Her friend gives her an opening line to use, informs her how to ask what the weather is like, and tells her to say “jaja” when she otherwise has nothing to say in the conversation. Linnéa and Dagur briefly talk about the fact that they are both in relationships, before Linnéa drops the bombshell (in Swedish) that she knows that there is a dating app in Iceland that allows people to ensure that they are not related before they consummate their relationship. This stops the conversation dead in its tracks, so Linnéa breaks out the “jaja”, before mercifully running out of time. Guest judge Trausti awards Linnéa (whom he refers to as "the lady from the radio") first place.

(Written by Jenny R and edited by Karl Craven)

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