
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Marcus mocks his future self

Marcus reads the task, and scoffs at the notion that anyone would crawl through the door. He searches the shed and emerges with a cowboy hat, which he perches atop a rolled-up carpet, and attempts to balance on his head. Realising that the carpet is too flexible, he swaps it out for two long, thick cardboard tubes which he has gaffer-taped together. Marcus realises that the length of the shoe can extend from the heel, and so simply ties some ropes to his ankles, which drag behind him. He also ties one of his own shoes to each of the ropes. He charges at the open door, but the weight of his hat causes it to drag along the ground when he ducks. As he passes through the door, he drops down onto his hands and knees and begins crawling, relying on David to inform him when the shoes have finally passed through the doorway. Marcus manages an impressive combined length/height of 24 metres and 18 centimetres, but is disqualified for crawling.

(Written by Jenny R and edited by Karl Craven)

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