
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Linnéa the food critic

Linnéa tries the first cake and says that it is “sweet, slightly gritty”. She abandons the first cake and moves to the second one, examining it closely, before sniffing and licking it. She identifies the ingredients in the second cake as banana and soy sauce. Moving on to the third cake, Linnéa takes a nibble and declares it to be bitter. After reflecting, Linnéa believes the third roll cake contains root mash, and that the bitterness comes from grapes. She later revises her guesses for the third cake to grapefruit and turnips. When pushed, Linnéa guesses that the first cake contains scrambled eggs and syrup. In the studio, Linnéa admits that she watches competitive cooking programmes, so she knew to only take small bites from each cake, to maximise her chances of guessing the flavours. Linnéa correctly guesses two ingredients (banana and grapefruit).

(Written by Jenny R and edited by Karl Craven)

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