
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Identify the roll cake flavours

Task types:
Single brief

Task brief

The task brief is held by David, wearing white formal gloves, outside of the Bäst i Test house. The brief for the task is as follows:

Identify the two flavourings in each roll cake.

Fastest identification wins.

You have as long as you remain on the treadmill to taste it.

Your time begins when David starts the treadmill.

Task notes

  • In front of David, there is a treadmill and a small table with three slices of roll cake, individually labelled with numbers.
  • The ingredients to be identified in the roll cakes follow an alliterative naming pattern: Cake 1 contains corn [‘majs’] and whey-butter [‘messmor’]; Cake 2 contains banana and brown sauce; and Cake 3 contains grapefruit and yellow peas [‘gula aktor’].
  • David clarifies, in the studio, that he increased the speed of the treadmill at set points during the task.
  • Although the task brief indicates that the task will be judged on speed, it ultimately comes down to who correctly identifies the most correct flavours.
  • There is one actual task point to be earned, per correct flavour identification, giving a maximum potential score of six points.

Task stats



Here's a description of the contestants' attempts. Images will be added later.

  • Nikki tastes the first cake and declares that, although it’s good, it does not particularly taste like anything. She asks if it’s bacon, and David simply replies that the cake contains two common ingredients, easily purchased at the supermarket. She takes another bite and declares the first cake to contain egg and bacon. Nikki tries the second cake and immediately spits it out, declaring it to contain cat food. She finds the second cake so revolting that she refuses to eat the third one, instead merely picking it up to sniff it. The smell of the cake causes her to gag, and she immediately steps off of the treadmill. When David asks her to attempt to name the ingredients contained in cakes 2 and 3, she guesses that the second cake contains cat food and brawn (head cheese), and that the third also contains brawn. Nikki returns to the house, still gagging, and vomits. She does not correctly guess any of the ingredients.
  • Marcus tries the first cake, and initially guesses that the ingredients are cinnamon and cardamom, though he later changes this guess to cinnamon and salmon. He takes a bite of the second cake, and gags. He identifies the contents of the second cake’s ingredients to be banana and “something fishy”, which he later guesses to be tuna. He spits out the third cake, wondering if there were any ingredients that weren’t added to it. He does manage to identify the grapefruit (though he mispronounces the word, and David has to correct him), and guesses the other ingredient to be mackerel. Marcus correctly guesses two of the ingredients (banana and grapefruit).
  • Marko tries the first cake, and guesses that the ingredients are vanilla cream and wheat flower. He unrolls the second cake and takes a bite, identifying the flavours as banana and chocolate. The third roll cake causes Marko to gag, and he asks if it contains vinegar (Marko has a bad history with vinegar - see his performance in the ‘Drink all the vinegar’ task from the Bäst i Test Christmas Special 2022). He spends the majority of the rest of his time on the treadmill gagging, believing that the third cake contains vinegar and caviar. He correctly guesses just one ingredient (banana).
  • Linnéa tries the first cake and says that it is “sweet, slightly gritty”. She abandons the first cake and moves to the second one, examining it closely, before sniffing and licking it. She identifies the ingredients in the second cake as banana and soy sauce. Moving on to the third cake, Linnéa takes a nibble and declares it to be bitter. After reflecting, Linnéa believes the third roll cake contains root mash, and that the bitterness comes from grapes. She later revises her guesses for the third cake to grapefruit and turnips. When pushed, Linnéa guesses that the first cake contains scrambled eggs and syrup. In the studio, Linnéa admits that she watches competitive cooking programmes, so she knew to only take small bites from each cake, to maximise her chances of guessing the flavours. Linnéa correctly guesses two ingredients (banana and grapefruit).
  • Henrik is not shown trying the first cake, but gags at the taste of the second one. He unrolls the second cake to try to identify its filling, saying that whatever is in it, it’s terrible. After being taken aback by the taste of the third roll cake, Henrik says it’s bitter [‘besk’], to which David replies with the pun “Besk i Test”. David continues with his punnery, pointing out the presence of both the roll cake [‘rull tarta’] and treadmill [‘rull band’] in the task. Henrik guesses that the first cake contains clementine and orange, the second contains liver paste and asparagus, and the third contains grapefruit and peppers. Henrik correctly guesses just one ingredient (grapefruit).

(Source credit: Jenny R)