
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Mae gaffer-tapes some string to the ball

Here's a description of the contestant's attempt. Someone's probably working on collecting some images to illustrate it.

Mae starts out repositioning some of the drums, but then has the idea of taping a ball to a piece of string, 'throwing' it, and then using the string to 'bounce' the ball across as many drums as they want. The reaction in the studio is muted, as people are apparently unsure about whether the attempt was valid or not. A heated debate takes place between the contestants about whether Mae actually threw the ball or not, with Kiell arguing it was a 'drop', and Frankie arguing it was a 'cast'. Ultimately, though, Greg allows Mae's attempt, so they win the task.

(Written by Karl Craven)

Attempt Scores