
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Strike the most drums with a bouncy ball

Task types:
Single brief

Task brief

The task brief is found on a large drum-kit, set up on the driveway of the Taskmaster house, along with a large number of bouncy balls. The brief for the task is as follows:

Strike the most drum skins and cymbals with a single throw of a bouncy ball.

You have a maximum of 20 minutes.

Your time starts now.

Task notes

It looks like there are no notes yet for this task. Someone's probably working on it, though!

Task stats



Here's a description of the contestants' attempts. Someone's probably working on collecting some images to add later!

  • Jenny starts throwing balls straight at the drum-kit from the steps of the house. Alex eventually observes, after she asks him why he's smirking, that she keeps doing "the same thing, over and over again". After he asks her whether she thinks there is any way to improve her system, she gets frustrated and just starts angrily flinging balls at the drums. She does try throwing the balls from a few different angles, and finally has some success when throwing from one side of the kit, but never thinks to move the drums. Her maximum number of drum hits is never specified, but she earns third place.
  • Kiell begins throwing balls from one side of the drum-kit, attempting to find the best angle to get them to bounce across the whole set. He eventually starts moving the drums to create a tighter, more enclosed formation, to increase the chances of his balls hitting more drums. At one point, he counts seven drum strikes, but Alex then reveals in the studio that only five of the sounds he heard were the ball hitting the drum skins themselves, rather than their sides. Kiell therefore earns fourth place.
  • Frankie starts disassembling the drum-kit, creating a single long path of drums and cymbals along the ground for his balls to bounce across. As the plan seems to be working out for him, he keeps extending the path by adding more and more drums. In the studio, he states that he very much enjoyed the task, likening it to art therapy. Alex reveals that Frankie managed to get eight drum/cymbal strikes in a row, which earns him second place.
  • Ivo initially fixates on the idea that the large statue of Greg should be playing the drums during his attempt, so he spends a good chunk of his time moving the drum-kit to the other end of the garden. He positions most of them in front of the statue, with some of them elevated on top of oil drums, and he balances a couple of them on Greg's arms. He begins throwing balls at the statue, trying to bounce them onto the drums, but isn't getting good results. He eventually realises that all he has really done is move the drums from one place to another. In desperation, he attempts to do something more impressive with his last few seconds, and so climbs up onto Greg's statue and empties the remaining contents of the jar of bouncy balls he's been using onto the drums. He then admits that none of them appear to have hit more than one drum. In the studio, Alex confirms that Ivo's best throw hit either three or four drums, so Ivo earns last place.
  • Mae starts out repositioning some of the drums, but then has the idea of taping a ball to a piece of string, 'throwing' it, and then using the string to 'bounce' the ball across as many drums as they want. The reaction in the studio is muted, as people are apparently unsure about whether the attempt was valid or not. A heated debate takes place between the contestants about whether Mae actually threw the ball or not, with Kiell arguing it was a 'drop', and Frankie arguing it was a 'cast'. Ultimately, though, Greg allows Mae's attempt, so they win the task.

(Source credit: Karl Craven)