
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Place the bouncy ball in the cup

Task types:
Single brief

Task brief

The task brief is received in the study, where it is leant against a mug, on the desk. The brief for the task is as follows:

Place this bouncy ball in the cup from the furthest possible distance.

The ball must stay in the cup.

Only the third attempt counts.

You have 15 minutes.

Your time starts now.

Task notes

  • A brightly-coloured bouncy ball is also on the desk, in front of the mug.

Official task video

Task stats



Here's a description of the contestants' attempts. Someone's probably working on collecting some images to add later!

  • Hani cleverly identifies that the key to doing well in the task is to not be too ambitious, but to just make sure that the ball gets into the cup on the third attempt, and that others will probably disqualify themselves by trying to get too much distance. For her first attempt, she tries to drop the ball from the balcony and into the cup, which is on the steps below. Unsurprisingly, it misses the cup and bounces around on the steps for some time. For her second attempt, she drops the ball from the top of the steps, into the cup placed on the grass just a few feet below. This also misses, but bounces around less. For her third and most important attempt, she releases the ball from less than two feet above the cup, which she is holding in her other hand. The ball does initially land in the cup, but then bounces straight out, and she fails to re-catch it. Hani therefore earns joint last place, along with Leo and Lars.
  • Vidar's first two attempts are not shown. For his third attempt, he constructs a long pole by taping several sticks together, and puts the ball in a plastic pot which is taped to the end of it. He then stands on the top of the steps, and tips the ball into the cup, which has been placed on the top tier of the garden fountain. In the studio, Olli reveals that Vidar managed to get the ball into the cup from 5.23 metres away, earning him second place.
  • Karin's approach is to stick a nail into the ball, and then tie twine to the nail, so that she can lower the ball into the cup from above. She stands on the balcony and attempts to lower the ball into the cup on the grass below, missing it on her first two attempts. Despite not being able to clearly see where the ball is going, she does manage to get it into the cup on her third attempt. In the studio, Olli reveals that Karin managed to get the ball into the cup from 6.84 metres away, which wins her the task.
  • Upon reading the task brief, Leo immediately gets his first attempt out of the way by dropping the ball directly into the cup, on the desk. He then heads into the garden and duct tapes the cup to the base of the flagpole. He then runs a wire down to the cup from the balcony of the house, and threads the wire through the centre of the ball. He is thus able to send the ball down a zipline towards the cup. However, the ball only reaches the edge of the cup, where it is blocked by something. Leo has to run down and move the wire around manually to get the ball to land on top of the cup, which appears to be blocked by duct tape. He then grabs the ball directly with his hand and pushes it into the cup. In the studio, Bård judges that he actually got the ball into the cup after his third attempt, so he had failed the task. He therefore earns joint last place, with Hani and Lars.
  • After reading the task brief, Lars attempts to clarify the rules by putting the ball directly into the cup twice, at the desk, and then intentionally missing on his third attempt. With each attempt, Olli clarifies with him that it was an actual attempt, and Lars confirms. He then quickly realises that he has used up all of his attempts, and failed the task. He therefore earns joint last place, with Hani and Leo.

(Source credit: Karl Craven)