
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Throw a party

Task types:
Single brief

Task brief

The task brief is received in the lab, where it is laid on the table, between a shiny gold party hat, and a shiny gold party blower. The brief for the task is as follows:

Throw a party.

Best party wins.

Olli is invited, and will arrive in 20 minutes.

Task notes

It looks like there are no notes yet for this task. Someone's probably working on it, though!

Task stats



Here's a description of the contestants' attempts. Someone's probably working on collecting some images to add later!

  • Hani holds her party in the lab. She has put a red table cloth over the table, decorated the room with balloons and a disco ball (lit by a torch stood on the table below it), and has laid out plates (and a top hat) of sweets on the table. She invites Olli into the room with his eyes closed before revealing the party to him, accompanied by a party popper and a blow on a party blower. She wishes Olli a happy birthday, and then offers him sweets. She then points out to him that one of the balloons is tied to a present for him. He unwraps the present to find a whoopee cushion inside ("because you're so funny!"). After Olli squeezes the cushion to make a fart sound, she states that this is "the highlight", and then abruptly ends her attempt. Bård awards her joint last place, along with everyone but Lars, for throwing such a terrible party.
  • Upon reading the task brief, Karin claims that she is good at throwing parties. However, before her attempt is shown, she withdraws this claim. She holds her party in the living room, decorating it with colourful bunting and balloons, and lighting it up with a torch pointed at a disco ball. As Olli enters the room, she sets off a small glitter cannon and yells "Surprise!" at him. She then starts simulating the beat of dance music with her voice, while dancing at him. After giving him a party hat, she suggests that they start by downing alcoholic shots. They then dance together, before she sits him down and pays him compliments, saying that he is "a dream", and pointing out that he is tall, and has a beard. She then asks him what his favourite song is, and he responds that it is Toxic, by Britney Spears. Karin then sings an a cappella rendition of the song at him. The party ends with them sat awkwardly on the sofa together, with their glasses of sparkling wine. In the studio, Bård points out that Karin appears to have enjoyed the party much more than Olli had. Bård awards her joint last place, along with everyone but Lars, for throwing such a terrible party.
  • Leo decides to give Olli the opportunity to be the centre of attention, since he always plays the sidekick or assistant. The table in the lab is loaded up with a seemingly random array of supplies. Leo provides Olli with a wig, so he can "be a woman". Olli puts the wig and a party hat on, and plays the role of a single mother of three. Leo then suggests he can "pretend to be an animal", giving Olli a headband with attached ears, which Olli then dons, before poorly imitating a dog. As the "highlight" of the party, Leo then instructs Olli to "end with a punchline", so Olli blows a party blower at the camera before flipping the bird. When Leo asks who the finger was directed at, Olli states that it was at whoever felt offended by it. Bård awards him joint last place, along with everyone but Lars, for throwing such a terrible party.
  • Upon reading the task brief, Lars states that he likes raves. His party begins outside the caravan, where he greets Olli by saying "Namaste", and invites him onto the "sacred carpet" (a large green blanket, on the lawn) to have his "yin and yang" adjusted. Lars then invites Olli to join him inside the caravan, for the second part of the party. Inside the caravan, the pair sit in garden chairs on the sand, surrounded by colourful balls. Olli sits with his feet in a small inflatable paddling pool, and rave music appears to play, either through a boom box, or through some small speakers hanging from the ceiling. At Lars' instruction, Olli then beats the piñata in front of them with a stick, before throwing it across the caravan, turning off the music. Finally, in order to help guarantee that the party becomes more fun, Lars and Olli both swallow an unspecified pill, before drinking their alcoholic beverages. In the studio, Bård judges that Lars' party most resembled what he had anticipated from the contestants, and gives him the win, but still only awards him three points.
  • Upon reading the task brief, Vidar is clearly not happy at the prospect of throwing a party. He states that he prefers small, intimate parties, and decides to do that. He hosts his party at a small table in the corner of a room, where he has lit candles and provided a bottle of sparkling wine. After inviting Olli to sit down, and pouring him a drink, Vidar attempts to start an intimate conversation with Olli, checking in on his mental health. The "highlight" of the party is then Vidar givging Olli a party hat to wear. Bård awards him joint last place, along with everyone but Lars, for throwing such a terrible party.

(Source credit: Karl Craven)