
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Henrik and Nikki score 11 points

Nikki looks around at all of the items, and asks David if she and Henrik are the ones who decide how points are earned. At David’s denial, Nikki picks up a ball and cup game and plays it with Henrik, wondering if scoring points in the game will also earn them task points. As they rally the ball back and forth, Henrik tells Nikki that she made a good catch, and this earns them a point. Henrik wonders why they earned a point, and Nikki believes that it is because they solved one of the many tasks laying around on the ground. The two turn their attention to the dartboard, and Nikki says she’ll throw the darts if Henrik holds the board. Henrik holds the dartboard in front of his face, but Nikki throws short, and the dart bounces off of his stomach. Henrik starts holding up random items, and Nikki wonders if wearing multiple items can earn them points (it does not). The two then make up their own game, in which Henrik holds the ball holder while Nikki throws plastic discs into it. This leads to them earning a point, which leads Henrik to believe that points are earned by doing things together. However, Henrik’s theory is disproven when the two of them singing together earns no points. At this time, David observes out that the two have managed to earn one point every ten minutes. Nikki then holds open the bowling ball bag while Henrik throws something into it, and this also leads to them earning a point. Henrik then holds a tray while Nikki throws a die onto it, which leads to another point. With no other ideas, Nikki and Henrik stick with the idea that throwing things into other things is what earns them points. When they only have a few points left to earn, Henrik realises that being complimentary while tossing items to each other often earns them points, so - with some heavy sarcasm - Henrik gives praise to Nikki while the two toss random items to each other. Henrik and Nikki finally earn 11 points in 40 minutes and 2 seconds, and lose the task.

(Written by Jenny R and edited by Karl Craven)

Attempt Scores