
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Anne experiences reverse birth

Anne chooses the white bin, which is about the size of a laundry hamper, and is full of various costume items. Anne runs the bin over to the shed and pours the costume items into the trunk where they normally reside. She then effortlessly folds up the tarp, but is unable to quite get it fully into the white bin. While trying to squeeze more air out of the folded tarp, Anne asks David if the production crew had tested to ensure that the tarp could actually fit into all of the provided containers. While refolding the tarp to reduce its width, she makes an off-handed remark that the length of the folded tarp shouldn’t matter. It visibly pleases David (a quite short man) to hear that sometimes shorter is better. After folding the tarp up a second time, Anne uses her weight to push it further down into the white bin, describing the experience as “giving birth in reverse”. Eventually Anne is triumphant, and wins the task.

(Written by Jenny R and edited by Karl Craven)

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