
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Marko gets annoyed

Marko opens the suitcase to see if it can hold the tarp, revealing that it is packed at least partway full with dishes. As David counts down Marko’s final seconds to choose his container, Marko panics and chooses the large barrel, which turns out to be about halfway filled with rubber ducks. Clearly annoyed by his container choice, Marko walks around the tarp, kicking away the rocks holding it down. Without attempting to fold the tarp, Marko drags it to the barrel and starts shoving it in, before stopping and realising that he can empty the barrel’s contents into another nearby container. He removes the tarp and pours the rubber ducks into the yellow wheelie bin. He then starts shoving the unfolded tarp back into the now-empty barrel, before realising that it will need to be folded. Chiding himself for being sloppy, Marko folds the tarp, but still has trouble getting it into the barrel. Eventually he prevails, but earns fourth place.

(Written by Jenny R and edited by Karl Craven)