
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Linnéa takes her time getting stressed

Linnéa decides to start with the plank still at full-length. She takes her time to set up the objects, informing David that her main concern is to not stress out about the time. She believes that remaining calm will allow her to concentrate on passing the plank through each object without touching them, saving her time spent sawing, and also preserving the length of the plank. Initially, she starts setting up the tyres in a line, but abandons this idea in favour of laying the plank back on the sawhorses and then passing the individual tyres around the plank. When this results in a touch, Linnéa saws off part of the plank, then immediately begins stressing out about how little time remains. She moves the plank through two tyres at a time, and also successfully moves it through the low hurdle without touching it. With her time running low, a desperate Linnéa then cuts off half of her plank, in hope of being able to still finish the task. She runs out of time while still attempting to pass the plank through the Zorb. She therefore does not finish the task, and earns just a participation point.

(Written by Jenny R and edited by Karl Craven)

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