
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Pass the plank through all of the objects

Task types:
Single brief

Task brief

The task brief is attached to a Zorb in the garden of the Bäst i Test house. The brief for the task is as follows:

Pass this plank through all of the objects.

Every time the plank touches one of the objects, you must saw off at least 10cm.

The person who passes the longest plank through their last object wins.

It is up to you to choose the starting length of your plank.

You have 10 minutes.

Your time starts on David’s signal.

Task notes

  • Two sawhorses and a long plank of wood are set up nearby.
  • With the Zorb are a variety of other objects through which the plank must be passed: a phone booth, a low hurdle, a stack of tyres, a bicycle, some hula hoops of various sizes, a ladder, and a cardboard tube.
  • David uses an airhorn to indicate when the plank has touched an object.

Task stats



Here's a description of the contestants' attempts. Images will be added later.

  • Evelyn assesses the plank, and decides that starting with a shorter plank will likely be better. She starts to cut off half of the plank, but has trouble with the sawing. She easily passes the plank through the ladder, but accidentally knocks it against the low hurdle while she’s setting it up. After sawing off some more of the plank, Evelyn passes it through the low hurdle before crawling through the phone box with it. After accidentally touching one of the smaller hoops twice, Evelyn moves on to the bicycle, which she presumably clears off-camera. She has some trouble moving her plank through multiple tyres at once, though she does eventually succeed. Her plank is short enough by the end of her attempt that she is able to clasp it between her palms to protect the majority of it while passing through the Zorb. Evelyn’s final plank is 17cm long, which earns her fourth place.
  • Linnéa decides to start with the plank still at full-length. She takes her time to set up the objects, informing David that her main concern is to not stress out about the time. She believes that remaining calm will allow her to concentrate on passing the plank through each object without touching them, saving her time spent sawing, and also preserving the length of the plank. Initially, she starts setting up the tyres in a line, but abandons this idea in favour of laying the plank back on the sawhorses and then passing the individual tyres around the plank. When this results in a touch, Linnéa saws off part of the plank, then immediately begins stressing out about how little time remains. She moves the plank through two tyres at a time, and also successfully moves it through the low hurdle without touching it. With her time running low, a desperate Linnéa then cuts off half of her plank, in hope of being able to still finish the task. She runs out of time while still attempting to pass the plank through the Zorb. She therefore does not finish the task, and earns just a participation point.
  • Henrik decides to start with the plank still at full-length. However, he almost immediately touches the phone booth while attempting to pass the plank through it. After sawing off part of the plank, Henrik carefully runs it through the phone booth, the ladder, and the bicycle. Eventually, he cuts off half of the plank in a single go. Now that the plank is much smaller, Henrik is easily able to pass it through all of the tyres one by one, as well as all of the rings – which he loops around his body, prompting David to dub him “Henring Nybloom”. Henrik finishes his course by successfully passing his plank through the Zorb. His final plank is 1.18 metres long, which earns him third place.
  • Nikki decides to start with only half of the plank, though she has trouble sawing it. She easily clears the phone booth, but touches one of the tyres. She passes the plank through all three hoops at once by holding it at an angle and walking backwards while also pushing it away from her. This method keeps the lengthy plank from wobbling and hitting the hoops. She is quite successful at carefully moving the plank through the rest of the objects without incident. David seems surprised that she is able to pass the relatively long plank through the Zorb on her first try without it touching. Nikki’s final plank is 2.14 metres long, which earns her second place.
  • Marko wonders if he could set up all of the objects in such a way that he could pass the plank through all of them in a single go. He lines up the tyres, the Zorb, the cardboard tube, and the ladder, and tries to pass the full-length plank through them all, but his attempted shortcut is an immediate failure. There are several instances where he almost clears objects, only to touch them at the last minute. Like the other contestants, it appears Marko has trouble with the saw, as he resorts to kicking or karate chopping the plank to remove parts of it, after making a starting cut with the tool. He touches objects with his plank so many times that David’s airhorn actually begins to run out of air. Marko’s successful attempts are not shown, but he finishes by pushing the plank through all three rings in his last minute. His final plank is 2.95 metres long, which wins him the task.

(Source credit: Jenny R)


Notes on task scores

  • The points in this task were counted in the totals for episode 7 of the season, but the task was shown in the bonus episode.