
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Marko shows off his karate moves

Marko wonders if he could set up all of the objects in such a way that he could pass the plank through all of them in a single go. He lines up the tyres, the Zorb, the cardboard tube, and the ladder, and tries to pass the full-length plank through them all, but his attempted shortcut is an immediate failure. There are several instances where he almost clears objects, only to touch them at the last minute. Like the other contestants, it appears Marko has trouble with the saw, as he resorts to kicking or karate chopping the plank to remove parts of it, after making a starting cut with the tool. He touches objects with his plank so many times that David’s airhorn actually begins to run out of air. Marko’s successful attempts are not shown, but he finishes by pushing the plank through all three rings in his last minute. His final plank is 2.95 metres long, which wins him the task.

(Written by Jenny R and edited by Karl Craven)