
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Pass a long object through all the obstacles

  • In this task, the contestants must carry or pass a long object (e.g. an extendible pole, a flagpole, or a plank) through either an obstacle course, or a collection of objects, trying not to allow the long object to touch anything.
  • In some versions, the contestants get to choose the starting length of the object (either by extending it to the desire length, or by sawing off part of it), and then each time the object touches something, they lose part of its length (either the length is reduced at the end of the task, or they have to physically remove part of it, each time). In these versions, the winner of the task is the person who completes the challenge with the longest remaining length of the object.
  • In other versions, the contestants do not get to choose the starting length of the object, and the goal is to complete the task as quickly as possibly, with each incident of the item touching something incurring a time penalty instead.

Original version

Task types:

In this version of the task, the contestants choose the starting length of an extendible pole, and must then navigate it through a predesignated obstacle course. Penalties - which are incurred if the pole touches anything along the way, including the ground - are deducted from the length of the pole at the end of the task.

Adapted versions

In this version of the task, the contestants are given a long plank, instead of an extendible pole, and get to choose its starting length by sawing part of it off (or not). There is no set course for the contestants to complete – instead, they are free to choose the order of the items through which they must pass the plank. Instead of 10cm being subtracted from the length of the plank for each instance of it touching something after the task is completed, the contestants must physically remove at least 10cm of the plank themselves each time, using a saw. The contestants are not penalised if the plank touches the ground – only if it touches an object through which they are passing it.
In this version of the task, the contestants choose the starting length of an extendible pole, and must then navigate it through a predesignated obstacle course. Penalties - which are incurred if the pole touches anything along the way, including the ground - are deducted from the length of the pole at the end of the task.
In this version of the task, the contestants must carry a flagpole from the top floor of an office building to a parasol base set up in the square outside. They do not get to choose the starting length of the pole. The goal is to complete the task the most quickly, and every time the pole touches something other than their hands, 30 seconds is added to their time.