
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Everyone solves sums while eating chocolate

Here's a description of the contestant's attempt. Someone's probably working on collecting some images to illustrate it.

In the first round, Olli starts by posing the sum “3 x 2” to Solveig. Solveig correctly answers “6”, and then poses the sum “1 x 1” to Steinar. Steinar correctly answers “1”, and then poses the sum “5 x 5” to Ida. Ida correctly answers “25”, and then poses the sum “7 x 8” to Amir. Amir runs out of time before he can come up with an answer, but then gives the wrong answer of “45” anyway, and is eliminated. In the second round, Olli starts by posing the sum “6 x 3” to Einar. Einar correctly answers “18”, and then poses the sum “9 x 7” to Solveig. Solveig correctly answers “63” and then poses the sum “1 x 2” to Steinar. Steinar correctly answers “2” and then poses the sum “3 x 3” to Ida. Ida correctly answers “9” and then poses the sum “8 x 8” to Einar. Einar correctly answers “64” and then poses the sum “9 x 3” back to Ida. Ida struggles to guess the answer, with her mouth full of chocolate, and incorrectly answers “24” after her time has already run out, so she is eliminated. In the third round, Olli starts by posing the sum “4 x 7” to Steinar, who fails to answer and is thus eliminated. In the fourth round, Olli starts by posing the sum “6 x 4” to Solveig. Solveig correctly answers “24” before continuing her pattern of working through the one times table by posing the sum “1 x 3” to Einar. Einar correctly answers “3” before posing the sum “9 x 9” back to Solveig. Solveig correctly answers “81” before posing the sum “1 x 4” back to Einar. Einar correctly answers “4” before posing the sum “6 x 5” to Solveig. Solveig correctly answers “30” before posing the sum “1 x 5” to Einar. Einar correctly answers “5” before posing the sum “6 x 6” to Solveig. Solveig correctly answers “36” and poses the sum “1 x 6” back to Einar. Einar correctly answers “6” and poses the sum “8 x 0” to Solveig. Solveig correctly answers “0” and poses the sum “1 x 7” back to Einar. Einar correctly answers “7” and poses the sum “3 x 8” back to Solveig who, by this point, is having real problems with the amount of chocolate she has both already eaten, and is trying to chew. Solveig does not answer in time, and is eliminated, but does provide the correct answer of “24”.

(Written by Will G and edited by Karl Craven)