
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Hadi gets angry

Hadi makes no secret at his frustration at not being able to read the task brief.

However, he is also the contestant most in control, simply glaring at the envelope in silence, as the clock continues to run.

After several minutes, he admits to Mark that he finds the situation aggravating, especially given that he believes it would be foolish to open the task, as Mark already knows what the task is.

When Mark tells him that’s not what he’s saying, this just confuses and angers Hadi.

He finally opens the envelope after about 10 minutes have passed.

He uses his 10 seconds of preparation wisely, quickly unscrewing the caps from both jugs and apologising to whomever is assigned to clean the lab.

When he then picks up the jugs, he holds them upside down, allowing their contents to drain onto the floor.

Despite holding empty jugs, eventually Hadi makes the decision to end the task by angrily throwing down the empty jugs.

Hadi lasts for a total of 14 minutes and 12 seconds, and earns second place.

(Written by Jenny R and proofread by Karl Craven)

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