
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Bård worries about his eyes

Bård begins by stating that it will be the worst 20 minutes of his life.

Like all of the other contestants, he first tries chopping onions, but finds they have no effect on him.

He complains that he hasn’t had enough trauma in his life to make him a crier.

Like some other contestants, he escalates to putting tiger balm beneath his eyes but, again, finds that it has no effect.

He then tries placing the cut end of an onion directly against his eyeball to no effect, prompting him to ask, "Er det noe i veien med øyene mine?" '(is there something wrong with my eyes?'), thus foreshadowing another task that takes place later in the series.

In desperation, he looks for other spicy things in the kitchen, but only finds a can of ‘chili beans in mild sauce’ which, unsurprisingly, does nothing.

At one point, he makes a series of predictions: that Calle can cry on command; that his brother will be "in full panic mode" and that the two women will be the most successful. He is only correct about his brother.

Finally, he tries watching a video about the conflict in Syria, to provoke an emotional response. Unfortunately for him, it turns out to be a hopeful video about schools being rebuilt, rather than human tragedy.

Having produced only one tear, Bård finishes in fourth place.

[Note: During his attempt, Bård predicts that this task will make Vegard go into panic-mode. As Vegard tries to blast onion juice into his eyes with a leaf blower, it appears to be a correct prediction.]

(Written by Nic Greyson and edited by Karl Craven)

(Illustrations collected by Nic Greyson and adjusted by David Fuller)

Attempt Scores