
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Bård does bum-surgery on a lion

Bård initially decides to use a stuffed toy lion to cushion an egg, and cuts an 'anus' into the back of the lion before stuffing the egg inside.

He says that the lion is now "fertile", and throws it off the balcony. It lands promisingly in the second ring of the target.

Bård asks Olli if the lion has now "miscarried" and, after searching inside the lion for a while, Olli reports that the egg has indeed been crushed.

On his next attempt, Bård tries to encapsulate the egg further, placing it within a pair of coffee cups which have been taped together. As he inserts this protective capsule back into the lion's 'anus' he says "We will still remain in the rectum", thus coining the episode title.

At some point during his attempt, Bård switches to using the remains of the giant teddy bear from the garage [Note: The teddy bear is by this point missing its arms, thanks to Siri's attempt at the 'Make a pair of shoes for the Taskmaster' task, and its head, thanks to Calle's attempt at the 'Stage a realistic home movie blooper' task (which appears later in this very episode)].

Bård tapes the bodies of some radio-controlled cars to the outside of the bear, reasoning that race car bodies are designed to absorb impacts.

He hurls the entire thing from the balcony, but with a poor trajectory, as it appears to hit some bushes, bounce off the edge of the staircase below, and then land outside of the target.

Olli confirms that the egg is intact, and has landed 1.67 metres from the centre of the target.

Bård scores three points.

(Written by Nic Greyson and proofread by Karl Craven)

(Illustrations collected by Nic Greyson and adjusted by David Fuller)

Attempt Scores