
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Anders’ politically-balanced, scientifically-backed autographed vegetables

Anders’ prelude to his autograph reveal is quite philosophical, as he asks Lasse what it is, exactly, which makes humans human.

Lasse answers that it’s either the ability to feel empathy, or opposable thumbs.

Anders counters that this may be true, but that humans are also capable of forming complex social hierarchies.

He then presents a video of what he considers the pinnacle of the human hierarchy of power – current Minister of Foreign Affairs (and former Danish Prime Minister) Lars Løkke Rasmussen, browsing the vegetable section of a grocery store in Greenland, and picking out a pointed cabbage for him.

Anders then presents the pointed cabbage, as signed by Lars Løkke Rasmussen, to Lasse.

However, Anders states that he wants his pinnacle to represent both sides of the political aisle, and as Lars Løkke Rasmussen is a right-wing politician, a left-wing representative is also needed.

He reveals that he has therefore also recruited the Chairman of Enhedslisten (a Danish far-left party), Mai Villadsen, to also sign a pointed cabbage for him, which he also presents to Lasse.

However, Anders is still not done, and continues his speech, acknowledging that Lasse may not find the pointed cabbage (which he refers to as “a whore among vegetables”) particularly interesting.

In an effort to make the vegetable more interesting to Lasse, Anders then introduces the plant microbiologist Professor Michael Broberg Palmgren to the stage.

Between providing a few scientific facts about cabbages, Professor Palmgren uses his stage time to throw some shade at a few of the other contestants’ entries, such as telling Jesper that although broccoli is in the same family as cabbage, it’s “not in the same league”.

The Professor also takes Lasse on, after the host proclaims that he’s a vegetarian not because he loves animals, but because he hates plants, by suggesting that it would take more than being a vegetarian to make Lasse a good person.

Anders then asks the Professor why the pointed cabbage, specifically, is the most interesting of the cabbages, and he responds that it had served as the basis for sauerkraut, when it was first invented, and only stopped being used for this purpose when the production of that foodstuff became industrialised.

The Professor also mentions the annual Filderkraut Fest, which takes place just outside of Stuttgart, Germany.

Rewarding the extent of Anders’ effort to present his cabbage autographs in a politically balanced and informative manner, Lasse awards him first place.

(Written by Jenny R and proofread by Karl Craven)

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