
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Jesper makes a carnival game

In the garden of the Stormester house, Jesper sets up a table with various carnival prizes (candy, teddy bears, a trophy, etc.).

Next to the table, he has set up an inflatable paddling pool, filled with numbered rubber ducks.

Jesper calls out to Mark – who appears on the balcony of the house above – and tells him to try his luck at Jesper Ole’s Magical Duck Pond.

He instructs Mark to catch a duck from the balcony with a fishing rod (which has a magnet on the end).

Mark manages to fish out the duck numbered ‘1’, and wins a can of Pringles, which Jesper throws up to him.

Mark then manages to fish out another duck, winning a tub of popcorn, which Jesper also throws up to him.

Mark actually manages to catch the open tub of popcorn while it is still about halfway full.

The magnet then falls off of the fishing rod midway through Mark’s third attempt.

Jesper solves this equipment failure by attaching the trophy to the end of the fishing rod, and telling Mark to use that to scoop up a duck instead.

Jesper then narrowly avoids being injured, walking away from the pond just as Mark tugs at the fishing rod in a particularly aggressive way, causing the trophy to snap off of the string and land where Jesper had just been standing.

With the equipment broken (and Jesper stating that he doesn’t want to play anymore), the game ends.

In the studio, Lasse compares Jesper’s attitude during his attempt to that of a “sherry-loving uncle” babysitting his nephew.

Mark admits that after filming had wrapped up for the day, the production team had all tried their luck at the game as well.

Lasse admits that when presented with all five contestants’ entries, he would be most likely to first try Jesper’s Magical Duck Pond, and so he awards him first place.

(Written by Jenny R and edited by Karl Craven)