
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Anders makes entertainment out of knowledge

After reading the task brief, Anders turns to the production team and lays out his idea.

He says that since Mark is in his 30s, he should have a ride that isn’t just “ramasjang” (Danish word for ‘a loud or festive uproar’, and also the name of a television network aimed at pre-teen children), especially because he is certain that Petra will have made a large slide (he is correct about this), and that Mark’s heart might need a break.

Anders is apparently inspired by ‘ramasjang’, enlisting the help of his 10-year-old son, Modig, to deliver a lecture to Mark about amphibians.

In the lounge of the Stormester house, Anders tells Mark that the word ‘forlystelse’ – as used in the task brief – doesn’t have to mean a scary amusement park ride, but can also just mean ‘entertaining’, and that there’s nothing more entertaining than learning something new.

With the help of a scientific illustration, Modig then instructs Mark on the life cycles of the Danish green frog and the salamander.

At the end of his lecture, Modig reveals his baby African bullfrog, and invites Mark to hold it, which he does.

In the studio, Mark admits that he found the lecture entertaining, and also a little scary, as it wasn’t until he’d already held the frog that Modig told him that it was poisonous.

Lasse agrees with the idea of encouraging children to convey knowledge they find interesting, and so awards Anders third place.

(Written by Jenny R and edited by Karl Craven)

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