
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Kathrine makes a competitive slip and slide

Kathrine sets up several tarpaulins in the garden of the Stormester house, leading to ten small plastic cones, which are set up in a triangle formation.

For decoration – or perhaps to help keep the tarpaulins held down – lawn flamingos have been placed in the grass along the entire course.

Kathrine hands Mark a pair of shorts and tells him to get changed, which he does.

Wearing only the shorts, Mark takes a running leap and slides the full length of the tarpaulins, using his body to knock down most of the cones at the end.

In the studio, Kathrine takes a moment to point out that, for once, Mark had ended up shirtless in her attempt, instead of Petra’s (referencing Petra’s attempts at the ‘Deliver the task to Mark in a superior way’, ‘Make an anti-climactic movie’, and ‘Sell your hometown to the Taskmaster’ tasks).

When Lasse asks about the bowling aspect of Kathrine’s ride, she responds that she’d wanted to make a ride which someone could win.

Lasse awards Kathrine fourth place.

(Written by Jenny R and edited by Karl Craven)

Attempt Scores