
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Petra makes an extreme slip and slide

After reading the task brief, Petra immediately asks the production crew if Mark is allowed to get hurt.

In the woods, she sets up several tarpaulins to create a slide down a fairly steep slope.

Mark stands at the top of the slope, wearing a helmet and holding a kickboard.

After much goading by Petra, he finally takes the plunge, sliding down the slope while sitting on the kickboard.

During his ride, one member of the crew throws a bucket of water at him, and Petra throws what appears to be the contents of an entire box of flour at him, after which he starts to veer off of the tarpaulins.

At the end of the course, Mark is saved from crashing into a tree by a member of the crew holding a pillow.

For “almost killing Mark”, Lasse awards Petra second place.

(Written by Jenny R and edited by Karl Craven)

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