
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Anders relies on American horsepower

Anders starts unravelling the entire roll of toilet paper, carefully running it past the door and outside the house.

He enlists Mark to hold the toilet paper against the door so that it does not touch the ground.

Anders subsequently almost drops his entire armload of unravelled toilet paper, but saves it at the last moment.

His vintage Mustang convertible is parked right next to the house, so he makes his way towards it and sits in the driver’s seat.

While holding the toilet paper outside the car, Anders slowly begins to reverse the vehicle a little at a time.

Eventually, though, the toilet paper snaps where Mark was holding it.

Anders immediately blames Mark for not holding onto the toilet paper like he was told, but Mark counters that it was likely the fault of the vintage American muscle car.

Anders drives the short distance back to Mark just to tell him that he’s very angry.

When Lasse asks Anders why he decided to slowly drive the toilet paper away instead of just walking – which would have been quicker – Anders has no answer, other than claiming it was just physically easier for him.

Anders is disqualified for breaking the toilet roll.

(Written by Jenny R and proofread by Karl Craven)

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