
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Melvin calls his mother

Melvin decides to call his mother.

She turns out to be quite knowledgeable about yarn, as her immediately response to his question is that she needs to know what type of yarn it is.

Melvin puts his mother on Facetime, and holds up the yarn.

She tells him that this type of yarn is sold in bundles of 120 metres.

When Melvin asks if she is certain, she responds by asking where the yarn’s packaging is.

She also suggests that Melvin weigh it, noting that 50g of yarn is 120 metres’ worth.

It’s unclear from the edit, but it seems that she is actually weighing some yarn that she has on hand, in order to help Melvin out.

The result of this conversation is that Melvin changes his estimate to 170 metres.

When Melvin is unable to give his mother the information she needs to make an accurate assessment, she actually scolds him, which Lasse and the rest of the contestants find charming.

In the studio, Mark shows footage of Melvin actually finding the yarn’s packaging tucked into the pocket of a jacket in Mark’s room, but seemingly not realising its significance, and simply putting it back.

Melvin ultimately earns third place.

(Written by Jenny R and edited by Karl Craven)

(Illustrations collected and adjusted by: David Fuller)

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