
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Bubbah rides a shark to Mexico

Bubbah uses crafts to tell a story, which she plays out on the desk in the study.

It begins with her and her friend having just robbed an ANZ bank, and driving in a car to the airport. The car is made from paper, and Bubbah and her friend are represented by lolly sticks with pictures of their heads attached to them.

The pair try to get into the boarding lounge of the airport, but the flight attendant won’t let them in “because she’s got nothing better to do”, so they bribe them with some of their stolen money (represented by tiny scraps of paper) and get onto the plane (which is made from a folded piece of blue paper).

They then fly into the air with their briefcase, leaving New Zealand (represented by green pipe cleaners) and flying over the ocean (blue pipe cleaners and tangled string). They then jump out of the plane and into the ocean below, using a cocktail umbrella parachute.

The pair meet a shark in the ocean, which they ride through the water to a “secret compartment underneath a waterfall” (a drawer in the desk).

They then jump into “that really cool elevator that you see in movies” and descend into the compartment, which is apparently somehow the way to Mexico.

She earns fourth place for not leaving the room, but still at least having a story.

(Written by Will G and edited by Karl Craven)

(Illustrations collected by JoGo and adjusted by Karl Craven)