
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Tete sarcastically thanks Olli

After reading the task brief held out by Olli, Tete immediately turns around and opens one of the ones hanging from the plastic sheeting on the back wall.

After realising that it contains the same text, Tete calls the whole situation a “nightmare”.

Initially there is apparently no rhyme nor reason to how Tete chooses which task briefs to open – he appears to be making selections at random.

During his attempt, Tete comes across at least one task brief written in Spanish, and at least one written in Finnish.

Tete takes a break at one point and wonders what Magnus Carlsen (a Norwegian chess grandmaster) would do in this situation.

He eventually methodically opens columns of task briefs in turn, starting with the ones on the plastic sheeting hanging from the wall behind Olli.

After opening nearly all of the briefs on the walls, Tete turns his attention to the ones on the table, finally discovering the real task brief in the middle.

He quietly paces while holding the task, telling Olli that he is so angry that he can’t read.

When Tete thanks Olli after 10 minutes and 47 seconds, he makes sure to use heavy air quotes.

He earns third place.

(Written by Jenny R and proofread by Karl Craven)

(Illustrations collected by Jenny R and adjusted by David Fuller)

Attempt Scores