
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Marte tries a few ideas

Marte’s initial throw is just a touch too low, and bounces off of the rim of the bucket.

She seems to be able to somehow retrieve the ball with no penalties.

Her next throw also misses, but she is able to carefully squat down to pick up the ball while keeping the rope taut, and tries another throw without incurring a penalty.

Her third throw comes close to the bucket, but also misses, and rolls towards the caravan.

Marte wraps the rope around one of the poles holding up the caravan’s decorative lights in order to keep the rope taut as she carefully leans down and stretches out to retrieve the ball with her foot (in the studio, she jokes that she did not want to get grass stains on her white suit).

After a few more penalties are incurred – the footage of which is not included in the edit – Marte has the idea to make tight loops of the rope between her hands.

Unfortunately for Marte, Olli deems her loops to not be tight enough, which earns her yet another penalty.

Marte then exclaims that she has a new idea, and walks around a nearby tree, then back to the bucket, making the rope taut in the process.

She then drops the ball directly into the bucket.

Marte’s time is not given, but she earns third place.

(Written by Jenny R and proofread by Karl Craven)

(Illustrations collected by Jenny R and adjusted by David Fuller)

Attempt Scores