
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Kevin fears a whale uprising

When the fuse is lit, Kevin in his panic reads ‘Attaque la Baleine’ (‘Attack the Whale’) as ‘Attaque de Baleine’ (‘Whale Attack’), thus coining the episode title.

He then starts nervously looking around for whales (for which he is mocked by Louis, in the studio).

He also initially reads ‘Caressez le Dé’ (‘Caress the Die’) as ‘Cassez le Dé’ (‘Break the Die’), but notices his mistake as he approaches the object.

Kevin then decides to start his order of operations at the bottom of the task brief.

As he picks up the cup to smell it, the task brief goes up in flames, and he panics.

Antoine encourages Kevin, saying that the tasks are surely all locked away in Kevin’s memory.

Kevin sniffs the cup, but eats from the container of Jujubes.

However, he soon clarifies that he is inspecting the Jujubes by eating them (and saying that they’re stale), which is counted towards his total of completed tasks.

He kisses the strawberry several times, but then hands the lime to Antoine, instead of kidnapping it.

He also incorrectly makes the robot dance.

Kevin correctly completes four of the 11 tasks, and earns joint last place.

(Written by Jenny R and edited by Karl Craven)

(Illustrations collected and adjusted by: Karl Craven)

Attempt Scores