
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Complete the most tasks

Task types:
Single brief
Novel task brief format?

Task brief

The task brief is written on a large piece of paper hung attached to some chicken wire strung across a garden arch, by the low stone wall near the Le Maître du Jeu house’s car park. The brief for the task is as follows:

Complete these tasks.

The most completed wins.

You may not cross this line.

You have 10 minutes from the moment the fuse was lit.

Attack the Whale

Caress the Die

Kiss the Strawberry

Throw the Hamster

Inspect the Jujubes

Kidnap the Lime

Damage the Nougat

Open the Plum

Question the Robot

Smell the Cup

Wear out the Towel

Task notes

  • Mounted on the wall, there is a large frame containing a toy whale, a plush die, a plush strawberry, a plush hamster, a container of Jujubes candy, a lime, a plum, a block of nougat, a toy robot, a mug, and a small red towel.
  • The contestants are told to stand behind a velvet rope, away from the trellis where the task brief is mounted.
  • As they begin to read the brief, Antoine lights a fuse at the bottom of the paper, which leads to the entire thing going up in flames in a short period of time.
  • In French, the mini-tasks to complete consist of a verb and an object, with consecutive letters: Attaque la Baleine; Caresse le Dé; Embrasse la Fraise; Garoche le Hamster; Inspecte les Jujubes; Kidnappe la Lime; Magane le Nougat; Ouvre la Prune; Questionne le Robot; Sens la Tasse; and Use le Velours. There are no tasks for the letter pairings of W and X, or Y and Z.

Task stats

